Home Business tips Wedding Photographers: Grow Your Business With One Tool

Wedding Photographers: Grow Your Business With One Tool

by Paul

Succeeding in wedding photography not only takes time and organization but also requires extreme attention to detail. Between proposals, contracts, scheduling meetings, managing payments, and shooting the actual wedding, there’s no possible way of keeping track of every task without a system.

This is why it’s critical to have a powerful client relationship management tool (CRM) that takes care of admin processes, saving you from hours of tedious work. Booking clients, tracking invoices, and collecting payments in a seamless workflow doesn’t have to be a time-consuming process ever again. The right CRM makes your life easier, your clients happier, and keeps you focused on wedding photography.

The top 4 reasons pro wedding photographers choose the Bloom CRM:


  • Powerful project forms 
  • Unlimited project workflows 
  • Instantly book, sign contracts, and collect payments
  • Beautiful client image galleries with 1TB of storage
  1. Powerful Forms
Bloom’s client booking process is easy to use and customizable to your photography services and pricing. Clients can instantly book, sign a contract and even pay for their service —all in one single and seamless flow. What used to take freelancers days of back-and-forth communication can now be done in seconds. Instead of wasting time on administrative tasks like creating invoices, photographers use these lead generation shortcuts to focus on scaling their business. 
As a professional photographer, fostering a stress-free workflow for clients is key. By embedding Bloom’s calendar scheduling in your sign-up form, you can utilize instant online booking. Your clients can select a creative package, sign a contract, and select a date/time in one seamless flow. No need to worry about unnecessary follow-ups because questionnaire forms are customizable and help clients describe their needs. 


  1. Revolutionary Workflows
It’s simple: the creative part of your photography business is fun, but managing multiple project workflows is overwhelming. There’s nothing more frustrating for a wedding photographer than missing deadlines or forgetting tasks. Bloom is the only solution offering a category-based workflow. You can create as many projects and workflows as your heart desires. In this whiteboard-based model, you’ll have all of your projects listed on the left and your tasks on the top.
The beauty of this design is that you can rearrange your projects or tasks, simply drag and drop them between different workflows. This gives you a quick overview of your business and makes it easy to make changes on the fly. Still deciding? Take a look at our review of the 15 Best CRMs for Photographers


  1. Streamlined Booking, Contracts, and Payments
Why would a client wait days for a physical contract when they can just get it done online in seconds?  By sending digital signatures, your clients can sign anytime, anywhere. 
Bloom is the only CRM featuring auto-countersignatures so you can create a signature and choose where to apply it. This way you’re not wasting time signing back and forth before each side has a legally binding document. You will always have the contract at your fingertips if any last-minute changes are needed.  


Processing payments using Bloom’s powerful automated invoicing and payment system is the best way to eliminate delayed payments and checks. You can take credit card payments using Bloom itself (powered by Braintree) or integrate it with Square or Stripe. With support for over 135 currencies, you’ll have no problem handling an online credit card payment in Bloom! Don’t just take our word for it, this is what a busy luxury wedding photographer has to say: 


“I love being able to send a custom link with an easy ACH payment option for my wedding clients. Makes my life so much easier!” -Phillip Van Nostrand 
  1. Beautiful Image Galleries
Instead of paying for a separate subscription, Bloom manages your tasks and delivers stunning galleries in one place. You can deliver image digitals through online galleries with a unique client link. All your client has to do is click on the link you send them, and they can access this gallery through our cloud-based software. They have the option to download in high resolution and choose which ones they love.
Bloom sets itself apart from its competitors by offering 1 terabyte of storage. This is a highlight for photographers since it allows more storage for projects and photo uploads during image delivery. You can easily upload image files to their online galleries, set a cover and viewing preferences to customize your experience.


“Bloom has a beautifully designed and clean layout that offers clients a professional impression.”

-Joel Grimes Commercial Photographer 

Bloom is a powerful CRM that will take your business to the next level. While many pro wedding photographers use Bloom every day, why don’t you try it for yourself?
Join thousands of stress-free wedding photographers.


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