Home Company news Two absurdly cool features that will change your life!

Two absurdly cool features that will change your life!

by Paul

Yesterday, at approximately 2:03AM, a particularly handsome developer at Picr, a rare breed indeed, after polishing the final string of code, slowly extracted his finger to engage the dreadful “execute” function. As thousands of worst-case-scenarios raced through his purely analytical mind, he continued to lower his trembling hand until the button was fully suppressed. Immediately an array of Amazon servers obeyed, executing all ordained commands. 

What am I talking about? World domination. Well, kind of. 

Last night, two amazing features were released, along with a myriad of optimizations and fixes. Here’s why this is exciting:


1. Integrate a Picr widget on your personal website to convert visitors into clients. 

This is so amazing it feels like witchcraft, which is peculiar since this was released a day before Halloween. Whatever the magic, this feature is life-changing because it helps you book more clients. Why? Because most photographers expect to convert web traffic into clients using a contact form which nobody wants to fill out. It’s just not a good strategy and we have written about it before. Picr is a new way of growing your photo business. 

The Picr module allows you to capture traffic in two ways:

First, you’ll have visitors who aren’t ready for a formal inquiry despite liking your work and possibly booking within a few months. The only sensible strategy is to capture their information and nurture them until they’re ready to convert. This is why the chat module is so amazing. It allows your visitors to engage in simple conversation, through which, you are able to capture their information. 

Second, if your visitors are ready for a formal inquiry, they can use the “Get Started” button to answer your Lead Form questions. You can fully customize this form and present your visitors with a beautiful and pleasant experience. Once this form is filled out, you will instantly receive a new lead in your portal. 

2. Manage all communication in a centralized messenger hub. 

In photography, communication is absolutely critical to success (that’s an understatement). This is why we have expanded our messenger feature into a completely new and improved experience. In this new messenger, you find far more space to see your messages and threads. 

We have also integrated CRM information into the messenger so that when you’re chatting, you can immediately see details for that contact. For example, you can see how many projects they’ve booked, how much money they’ve spent, and even have links to their social media accounts. 

Finally, we have also included 2-way communication in this messenger hub. What this means, is that when you send out a message, if you client clicks “reply” and writes a message from the Gmail (or whatever), we will include their reply in your message hub. You can now completely transition to managing all of your communication with Picr. 


And if this wasn’t enough, we’ve radically optimized the speed and performance of the platform across the board. If you haven’t yet started using Picr, now is the time! Beta will soon be over and you will be limited to a 14-trial to experiment before subscribing. 

Click here to try the Picr widget on your website!

Excited? What do you think of these features?

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