Home Business tips Instantly get 4-8x more inquiries for your photo business with this little-known tool.

Instantly get 4-8x more inquiries for your photo business with this little-known tool.

by Paul

Have you ever wondered how other photographers are constantly getting inquiries and booking shoots? It’s hard to watch as your competition generates a consistent stream of inquires while you wonder what you’re doing wrong.

Are my prices too high?

Is the market too saturated?

Is it my editing style, my competitor across town, or my reputation?

These are the wrong questions to be asking. While some of these things may contribute to the overall success of your business, it’s unlikely that they’re to blame for a lack of inquiries coming from your photography website. When it comes to getting more inquiries, there’s one simple rule to follow:

Make it as easy as possible for your website visitors to start a conversation with you.


Visitors shouldn’t have to jump through hoops, fill out weird forms, and click all over your website just to inquire. It should be a piece of cake! If you provide an easy way for visitors to talk to you, you should see your inquiries and conversations quickly increase.

Unfortunately, many of the common practices for starting conversations like this are outdated and ineffective. The 3 most common ways to start a conversation from your website are 1) a contact form, 2) displaying your phone number, 3) displaying your email address on your site. While it isn’t “bad”, it’s certainly not the best strategy to start conversations. Contact forms are boring and don’t convert well, phone calls are intimidating, and email addresses are too passive.

This is where the Bloom Lead Widget enters the stage.

The Bloom Lead Widget is the easiest form of communication for potential customers visiting your website. It’s exactly what it sounds like: a beautiful, stylish widget that you put on your website, enabling live chat with your potential customers. But you also get a lot more than just chat. Here’s some amazing things it can do for your business:

  • Chat with website visitors in real-time
  • Chat on-the-go with the Bloom iPhone app
  • Collect leads and information about potential bookings
  • Quickly build trust by responding to messages quickly
  • Collect names, email addresses, and phone numbers
  • Set follow-up actions for your leads to nurture them


Kissmetrics found that live chat can generate 4-8x more leads for your business. Additionally, visitors who chat with businesses are 82% more likely to convert, (Source: Intercom) and customers feel most satisfied during their buyer’s journey when using a live chat feature, compared to other options such as voice (88%), email (85%), and even social media messaging (Facebook 84%, Twitter 77%) (Source: Inc.com). It’s incredible how one small feature can improve your business so drastically.

However, this tool is much more powerful than just live chat. 

When you use the Bloom Lead Widget, we feed all of the information into a CRM and Lead Management toolset, where you can keep track of every person who has interacted with you. We also give you tools to set up reminders to nurture these leads into paying clients.

You can even send emails from your Bloom portal:

Right now, you can have access to our Lead Widget + EVERYTHING else on Bloom for only $5.

The deal only runs until June 1st, when we roll out our new pricing structure. When you subscribe to Bloom today, you get to experience everything else on the platform free of charge. This includes our Lead Widget, lead nurturing tools, calendar, project manager, digital payment processing, image delivery, and much much more. Come June 1st, you can pick and choose which pieces of Bloom you want to use and only subscribe to those features.

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This is a limited time offer. Check out this incredible deal by clicking here!

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